Pressure Cooker Maple Dijon Mustard Pork Chops
Pressure Cooker Maple Dijon Mustard Pork Chops are a quick and easy pork recipe for your Instant Pot! You'll love...
Pressure Cooker Maple Dijon Mustard Pork Chops are a quick and easy pork recipe for your Instant Pot! You'll love...
Dal With Spinach is an Indian stew recipe that cooks quickly in a pressure cooker, and packs so much...
Saffron risotto is a gorgeous, quick and delicious side dish to make in an Instant Pot! This pressure cooker saffron...
Smoky Ham Hock and Pinto Bean Soup is full of textures and flavors. You'll love the tender & moist...
I'm often asked how to convert a recipe into a pressure cooker recipe. So the last time I converted...
Thai-style fish starts with firm white fish fillets steamed in banana leaves after a quick soak in a coconut...
Green chile pork carnitas made in an Instant Pot come out flavorful, moist, and perfectly tender every time, and in...
Chicken Parmesan meatballs in creamy ranch sauce is a quick and easy chicken meatballs recipe for your Instant Pot. Pressure...
Korean chicken thighs made in an Instant Pot come out tender, juicy, and delicious in just a few minutes!...
Honey Orange Pork is an easy and quick Instant Pot pork recipe. Pork roast is pressure cooked in a...
Pressure cooker pork chops are moist and tender, full of flavor, and incredibly quick and easy to make! Including pressure...
Polenta is an Italian corn porridge with a grits-like consistency that is a gluten-free. This version is flavored with fresh...