Quick Instant Pot Cornbread
This recipe for Instant Pot Jiffy Cornbread starts with a shortcut mix for a 3-ingredient side dish all year...
This recipe for Instant Pot Jiffy Cornbread starts with a shortcut mix for a 3-ingredient side dish all year...
Instant Pot Zuppa Toscana is a hearty, cheesy soup made with potatoes, bacon, and savory sausage in a flavorful...
The best instant pot soup recipes for fall and winter, including vegetarian and meat-based options for the family.
Easy-to-make Instant Amish Macaroni Salad is a classic side dish with macaroni in a creamy dressing with vinegar for...
Instant Pot braised paprika chicken uses frozen chicken thighs, tomatoes, cream cheese and egg noodles for a satisfying dinner.
Learn how to cook pasta in your Instant Pot, Ninja Foodi, or other brand of electric pressure cooker. This...
Make Instant Pot chickpeas for soft and delicious chickpeas to make hummus, falafel and more with or without soaking....
Instant Pot Chili Dog Sauce is a classic all-American hot dog topper with juicy ground beef and pinto beans...
These are the best Instant Pot side dish recipes to make this summer, PLUS serving suggestions for our favorite...
More than 80 of the best Instant Pot summer recipes for main dishes, side dishes, and desserts to make...
Bring summer flavors inside with this recipe for Instant Pot BBQ chicken legs with your favorite barbecue sauce and...
These are the best Instant Pot Memorial Day recipes to fill your holiday menu fast, easy, and patriotic entrees,...