Instant Pot Creamy Chipotle Chicken
Instant Pot Creamy Chipotle Chicken is a quick and easy Mexican weeknight chicken breast recipe with a chipotle cream...
Instant Pot Creamy Chipotle Chicken is a quick and easy Mexican weeknight chicken breast recipe with a chipotle cream...
Your family will love this decadent weeknight meal! Instant Pot Rosemary Chicken cooks the chicken and rice at the...
I love making soups in the pressure cooker; they're so quick and easy and you get the flavor of...
Pressure Cooker / Instant Pot Butter Chicken is a classic Indian restaurant favorite that is easy to make at...
This Instant Pot / Pressure Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli recipe features chunky, bite-size pieces of chicken and crisp-tender...
This Pressure Cooker Chicken Bacon Penne Pasta is a quick, easy, one-pot meal that's rich, creamy, and delicious! It's...
Cut the carbs with this Pressure Cooker Chicken Shawarma made with spices you probably already have in your cupboard....
Chicken recipes made in a pressure cooker, multi cooker, or Instant Pot are quick, easy and delicious. Perfect for...
This tender, juicy, flavorful Pressure Cooker Kalua Chicken made with chicken thighs is a great alternative to Kalua Pork....
Pressure Cooker Tandoori Chicken is moist and tender, and packed with the flavor of fragrant Indian spices, yogurt and...
This Pressure Cooker Chorizo, Chicken and Kale Soup is a spicy soup loaded with good for you ingredients, garbanzo...
Now that summer is in full swing, it's the perfect time to use your pressure cooker to make quick...