Comments on: Pressure Cooker Coconut Vanilla Syrup The Best Instant Pot Recipes / Easy Pressure Cooker Recipes for the Electric Pressure Cooker Wed, 02 Jan 2019 01:25:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marci Fri, 12 Jan 2018 14:09:16 +0000 In reply to Amy.

If you’re serving it warm it will work great and be even more smooth and creamy!  You could even warm it up from the fridge.  I Love the whipped “cream” idea!

By: Amy Thu, 11 Jan 2018 21:55:03 +0000 I saw the note about not substituting for full fat coconut milk because it separates more when chilled; if it’s being served warm does it still have texture issues or is it okay? The lite coconut milks in my area tend to have a lot of thickeners etc, whereas I can get full fat canned coconut milk that’s just coconut + water easily here. Otherwise maybe I’ll just try to skim off the thick fatty portion from a couple unshaken cans and use the liquid in lieu of one can of lite 🙂 The thick part can be whipped for coconut whipped “cream” for the pancakes!! 

By: Barbara Schieving Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:26:09 +0000 In reply to Rondi.

Thanks Rondi – Merry Christmas and a happy positive New Year to you too!

By: Rondi Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:37:12 +0000 In reply to Terese.

I personally feel that people are way too critical and fast at being negative. Praying for all to have a Merry Christmas and a positive New Year.

By: Mary M Young Tue, 19 Dec 2017 13:38:16 +0000 Sorry I got my recipes mixed up in my head. No condensed milk, just coconut milk.

By: Mary M Young Tue, 19 Dec 2017 13:34:12 +0000 Also pure Maple Syrup is a good choice too compared to the fake stuff. They also sell a low fat
condensed milk if that is a concern too. A little dab will do you as you are not consuming the whole recipe at one time. I intend to try the recipe as written the first time. It is really a new twist on syrup that I have never seen before.

By: Bryan Mon, 18 Dec 2017 08:01:22 +0000 In reply to Terese.

Terese –
I’m not sure what your point is but your post is self-contradictory and, frankly, wrong.
1) First you write, “not healthier! maybe tasty and flavorful, but not healthier..” Then you end with, “You can descirbe [sic] it certainly as a ‘better choice’ due to reduced fat and some less sugar.” If it is a “BETTER choice due to reduced fat,” why is not “HEALTHIER”? Are you saying that having “reduced fat” and “less sugar” doesn’t make this “HEALTHIER”? You’ve contradicted yourself.
2) The FTC definition is irrelevant since this blog doesn’t constitute trade. At best, Barbara was making an informal nutritional assessment and as you should know, nutritional supplements — which food is — are only very loosely regulated. And blogs are not regulated at all. Indeed, Barbara made no claims about disease diagnosis or cure.
2) You need to do some nutritional research before criticizing others. The minimal fat in lite coconut milk, especially when eaten in moderation, has little negative effect on the body.. Indeed, fats and protein gives a feeling of satiety, leading to eating less and makes it harder for the stomach to absorb carbs. Coconut fat may even be metabolized differently than other saturated fats, eliminating the harm seen in most saturated fats.
3) Although not yet conclusive, some studies suggest that coconut oil, in particular, has specific health benefits.
4) Finally, coconut milk, specifically, has indeed been shown to have health benefits — in other words, HEALTHY (the word that offended you).. See link below:

Again, I don’t know what your point was, but it doesn’t appear to be based on facts. I’d suggest you do some research (and proofreading) before you nitpick and criticize others..

By: Barbara Schieving Sun, 17 Dec 2017 20:05:08 +0000 In reply to Terese.

Hi Terese – I did describe it as a better for you syrup.

By: Terese Sun, 17 Dec 2017 19:13:10 +0000 Sorry…not healthier! maybe tasty and flavorful, but not healthier. Please see federal trade regulations on stating something is ‘healthy’. You can descirbe it certainly as a ‘better choice’ due to reduced fat and some less sugar, however it is not ‘healthy’.

By: Barbara Schieving Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:18:15 +0000 In reply to jan.

Hi Jan – thanks for the heads up. The recipe is now showing.
